Our red azaleas are blooming; the hummingbirds are due any day now, and the warm weather is trying it’s best to stick.
No matter what comes, though, today is a special day!
It’s our mother’s 85th birthday!
My siblings and I are happy that she is still here with us!
Let me briefly explain that statement.
On April 10, 2013, at the age of 80, our mother went into surgery for a cancerous mass found in her colon and a colon re-section. She had been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer.
Since no one closely related in our family had ever had cancer, the news was a shock to all of us…but especially to our Mom.
After confirmation through a colonoscopy procedure that a “mass” was present, the decision for follow-up with a local surgeon was made.
I remember vividly, and with some humor involved, Mom’s reaction to the young surgeon whom she was about to entrust her life.
His picture came up on a video screen in the waiting room of the office where he and several other surgeons worked.
I saw his picture first and couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance to a young, down-hill skier from the Winter Olympics.
“There he is Mom, on the video screen…it’s a picture of your doctor.”
I should have anticipated her reaction.
“Gosh, he looks like a baby, like one of my sons when they were young,” Mom said taken aback.
“He’s young Mom, but probably more open and familiar with new technology,” I tried to reassure her.
A few minutes later, we both met the general surgeon and any concerns my mother had as to whether this young doctor could take care of her were quickly abated.
I noticed and appreciated his forthrightness and intentional focus on her: her needs, her questions, her concerns.
His analysis of her condition and his thoughts on how he could help her, including risks and expected outcome, were communicated directly to her.
It was her decision as to how to proceed, and she made the decision to have the mass removed, a colon resection done, and likely chemotherapy post-surgery.
So, on April 10, 2013, Mama underwent surgery and came through it, literally, with “flying colors.”
She underwent chemotherapy and is now on a maintenance dose for the remainder of her life.
Ask anyone in our family, and we will gladly share our praises and thanks for the wonderful surgeon she had.
We also recognize that there were many prayers that were answered (and continue to be answered).
Most of all, we recognize that God has been exceptionally good to our mother.
So today, five years later, we thank the Giver of Life, for guiding the hands of Dr. Michael Kelly, her general surgeon, and for allowing our mother to still be with us to celebrate her birthday and to celebrate the beauty of another Spring!