This was my husband’s resignation after discovering that Xena, our beloved female Great Pyr, had yet again escaped from the fence.
He had just spent hours, in frigid cold, working to repair breaks in the fence that had allowed our high-spirited female Great Pyr to escape.
Typically, he takes the escapes with good humor.
After Xena returns, he strokes her and tells her how she “does such a good job helping Daddy find the holes and breaks in the fence.” 😉
Finding True Freedom
We humans aren’t so different, are we? We want to be free too.
Sometimes it’s freedom from things like a minor annoying habit or perhaps something as serious as an addiction, or maybe it’s a demanding boss with unrealistic expectations, lots of schoolwork, or seemingly unrelenting deadlines.
Sometimes it’s freedom to do things we want to accomplish before our time runs out — taking that dream vacation, starting a new hobby, a new business, or retiring — just to name a few.
Freedom also has special meaning to us as citizens of this great country that we are so privileged to call home.
But as important, meaningful, or symbolic as many of these freedoms are to us, none of them equates to the true freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
— John 8: 31-32 (NIV)*
Jesus is the truth that sets us free.
But what is He setting us free from?
And what is He freeing us to do?
Freedom From Being a Slave to Sin
Not many of us think of ourselves as being enslaved, but we all are in a spiritual sense.
Many of the translations in the New Testament refer to “servant” or “bond-servant;” however, the Greek word “doulas” means literally, “slave.” Paul begins his letter to the Romans by referring to himself as a “slave of Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:1) and his letter to Titus by calling himself a “slave of God” (Titus 1:1).
When Jesus sets us free from sin, He doesn’t set us free to do anything we want. That’s what the world wants us to believe.
In fact, the world doesn’t like to talk about sin at all. Instead, words like “mistakes,” “oversight,” or “faux pas” are the palatable substitutes.
Using these terms, however, doesn’t change God’s truth in Scripture.
He sets us free to follow Him and His principles that are clearly established in Scripture. And because He created us, it’s innate for us to seek Him out if we don’t know him as Savior and Lord.
And He is the only perfect example for us to follow.
I once had a co-worker who often lamented to me about how her boyfriend was always buying the latest gadgets, toys, etc., but never seemed to be satisfied. It was apparent that he felt something was “missing” from his life.
That’s where our responsibility as Christians comes in. One aspect of what we are freed to do is to share our faith with others, boldly and without shame or fear.
Freedom to Share in an Abundant Life
The world typically defines abundant life in terms of wealth, prosperity, health, occupation, etc. None of these relates to an abundant life in the spiritual sense.
The Bible makes clear that neither our wealth or lack of wealth is an indication of a right relationship with Him.
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
— John 17: 3 (NIV)*
What is the abundant life? A surrendered life to Christ that has meaning, purpose, and true peace as an indication of a right relationship with Him. His Holy Spirit resides in us, empowering us to love others the way Christ Himself loves.
A big part of abundant living is also a process of learning more about Him every day according to 2 Peter 3:18.
Of course, we won’t be perfect until He returns. But until He returns, we as Christians are to be salt and light.
Free and privileged to share our message of His love and saving grace to all those who seek Him.
Points to Ponder:
- Are you living an Abundant Life or just going through the motions?
- Are you a Christian, but struggle with Abundant Living?
Your comments are welcome. E-mails are not published; only a first name is shown.
*Scripture references: Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ All rights reserved worldwide.
Tell Rick the solution to the fence problem is a stronger fence with a tad of electricity in it.
Triple coat with fur, probably wouldn’t work so well. And, truthfully, Mama doesn’t like the idea of them getting shocked. 🙂