The Best New Year’s Resolution
Most of us are accustomed at this time of year to resolve to do something better next year…maybe it’s to lose weight, learn a new language, spend more time with the kids, or “just be a better person.”
But even our best intentions typically end in failure.
Because we’re fallen human beings. Left to our own devices, even our best personal efforts are not good enough.
Should we just give up then and not make any resolutions?
That’s one way to reduce or even eliminate that “let down” feeling once we realize, yet again, that we’ve failed to live up to another well-intended goal or resolution.
When you and I must face that cold reality that we alone don’t have the self-discipline or will-power to make it happen.
But could there be another way?
The Rich Young Ruler Meets Jesus
A rich young ruler comes to Jesus seeking to understand what he can do to inherit eternal life. The meeting begins cordially and with what appears to be an attempt by the young ruler to show reverence to Jesus by addressing Him as, “Good Teacher.”
Jesus responds with a question: “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good.”
Jesus is not denying His own divinity; instead, He wants this young ruler to recognize what being “good” really means. Only God is good — whatever we think of ourselves — human goodness doesn’t measure up. Never has…never will.
Yet this man believes he has kept all the rules, not just some of them, but all of them. Ever since he was a boy.
Talk about self-discipline and personal will-power. Wow!
Jesus recognizes this young ruler’s obvious sincerity in his pursuit of righteousness. This young man believes he is completely faultless. According to him, he’s not broken a single law his entire life.
And since Christ is divine, and all-knowing, it is at this point that He challenges this young man’s assertions.
“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew 19:21, NIV)
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
— Mark 12: 30-31 (NIV)
Scripture then tells us that “When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” (Matthew 19:22, NIV)
I believe our Lord was sad too. In the gospel of Mark, Chapter 10, Verse 21, Scripture tells us that “Jesus looked at him and loved him.”
Jesus showed this young man that his heart was full of greed and his idol was wealth, for he was not willing to give up his possessions to follow Him and serve his fellow man.
The rich young ruler had broken the two greatest commandments.
Just like you and I, this young man was a sinner.
And all that self-proclaimed will-power and self-discipline he thought he had?
Couldn’t save him.
And the Law?
Couldn’t save him.
Salvation can only come to us by grace through faith in our Lord. Not by our works.
We only need to ask Him.
The rich young ruler needed Jesus.
So do you and I.
Make 2018 your best year ever: Resolve to meet Him.
Thanks for sharing this post with us; made me think about what’s really important in life!
Thank you Danni; have a blessed New Year!
Thank you for this lovely post and Happy New Year! It is ALL about Him!
Thank you Debi and Happy New Year!
Appreciating your blog on the first morning of 2018 and wishing my Arizona granddaughter would (not could) read it.
I want to wish for you and Rick and all your families you relate to, come in contact with, and love a New Year of knowing God in all His goodness.
Happy New Year Frances and we’re extending our love and well wishes to you, your granddaughter and her family a blessed New Year. There is always hope and, of course, prayer!